F9B Blog


The F9B team has taken the recent weeks to reflect, listen and learn from the BIPOC communities. During this reflection period, we have considered how our organization has done things in the past and our plans for the future to address racial injustice.


The following is a preliminary list of actions and reflection items that aim to hold us accountable to decolonizing and strategically aligning our work with BIPOC communities. We recognize that this list is just a start, and we have much work to do.



1) We will review our objectives and mission statement to reflect the need to hear voices from all backgrounds.

2) We will use our platform to amplify BIPOC voices in the food security sector.

3) We will ensure that when conducting any research we are including BIPOC-produced literature to amplify their voices.

4) We will curate a list of books, podcasts, lectures, and films that prepare us to engage with issues of food insecurity with a decolonized and anti-racist lens.

5) When invited to do so, we will work with BIPOC partners both on and off campus to ensure we are best supporting community needs.







Racism affects food security. The following infographic is taken from The Broadbent Blog and the post is credited to Melana Roberts. The data comes from PROOF, University of Toronto analysis of data from 5 cycles of the Canada Community Health Survey from Statistics Canada.



An infographic with the title Rate of Food Insecurity in Canada, showing data from  from PROOF, University of Toronto analysis of Data from 5 cycles of the Canada Community Health Survey, conducted by Statistics Canada


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